August 15, 2009

I am India

I am India
I was known as a mystic land
I was known as the 'Golden bird'
I was known as the the 'Universal teacher'

I am India
I have changed my boundaries many times
I had wise men in my cradle
I had mighty sons of the past

I am India
My children were lost for sometime
My chastity was stained time and again
My ascent was in chains for long

I am India
I freed myself once again
I started my journey once again
I made them hear my loud footsteps

I am India
My children are stronger yet again
My veins have new blood
My spirit is soaring once more

I am india
I will not stop come what may
I have faith in my children
I know what they are made of

I am India
You will hear more about me
You will see more of me
You will know the teacher once again

I am India

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